1. . Importing Textures into Unreal
It’s important to make sure that normal maps are compressed as TC Normalmap to prevent visual errors in engine. Don’t forget to take into consideration that if your texture dimensions do not follow the power of two, they won’t stream or have mipmaps
2. Texture Reuse
What we believe to be one of the greatest elements of Unreal 4 is the Material Editor. It allows for very intelligent texture reuse. This saves you both memory and time.
3. Know Your Light Types
Unreal provides four different types of lights to use in an environment- directional, point, spot, and sky light. Directional lights are most often used as primary outdoor lights. Point lights are a classic light bulb. They emit light in every direction from a single point. Spotlights also emit light like a classic light bulb, but their light is limited. Sky light captures the background of your environment and applies it as lighting to your mesh.
4. Create a Static Mesh from Skeletal
If you need a static mesh from a specific frame of animation, no worries. All you need to do is pause the animation on the frame you want to make the static mesh from and click the Make Static Mesh button in the Static Mesh Editor. It’s that easy.
5. Vertex Colors
Having access to vertex colors in materials is a great feature in Unreal. Their versatility is incredible. From ambient occlusion to masking out wind and world offset for foliage, their versatility can transform your work when used correctly. Vertex colors can be imported from an outside 3D software or imported and customized in editor.